Bodana is a young woman beaten down to nothing. Yet soon, she rises from her sorrow; for it is the only way to silence the voices in her head.
Dark souls exist in this world, this she learns firsthand; those that are responsible for much of her grief. It soon becomes her life's mission to seek out these crones, the very monster’s that prey on the innocent, be it the 4 witches of the realm.
Her only salvation is to be a glimmer of hope to those in need. For she is a dark angel who sings her song in the moonlight.
“I need to know you’re with me,” Bo said to her horse. “You'll never change my mind. It’s all I think about every day. The people I have lost: my child, my papa, Henry. It’s all connected to this one hag I must put an end to.”
Awesome wanted to argue with her, to save them both from a perilous fight, one that they would have to endure again since the old hag would be even more ready this time. But in his own heart he knew it was fruitless. Bo wasn't going to listen. And deep inside, he wanted his revenge as well.
He held his tongue and Bo felt she had her answer.

About the Author
Michael W. Huard is a fantasy author living in the heart of rural Maine. He seems to navigate to things like witchcraft, folklore, Halloween, and all things mystical. His writing partner is a wonderful, loving
french bulldog named Sammy.

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